Tuesday, January 31, 2012

All I Post About is Food

These cookies looked cute, but I have to admit that they weren't my favorite. They're a little on the bland side, and also a little crisper than I like. Totally edible, just a little on the plain side!


This next one is a box from Pizzeria Rambo. There are so many pizza places, having a distinctive name is important, I guess! Some have "classier" names, some have funny ones. There's another one near here called Charlie Brown's!


Monday, January 30, 2012

Fractal Flower

Ah, here's my fractal cauliflower. Boy was this thing good. The first picture is pretty close to the real color.



You can see the pattern of the florets much more clearly in this picture.

I roasted it with a generous helping of olive oil, some salt, and some strips of red bell pepper. Since i don't have a microwave, I just roasted it some more for each successive serving, and honestly, it only got better...

My polenta experiment did not go so well. First off, I bout 3 minute polenta. I think next time I will go with the regular stuff. Since I only made half the package, I got distracted closing up the bag and as a consequence of me missing 30 seconds of stirring it clumped up something fierce! Still, the taste was good! Overnight it pretty much settled into a solid chunk. I had some re-fried in little cubes for breakfast with some eggs, and that was a pretty great way to have it...

Sunday, January 29, 2012

My Weekend

Yesterday was rainy. I did some work at school, then headed home to drop off my things before heading out. I was lucky enough to score an invite to the going away apertivo of a gestionale post-doc. After contemplating the public transportation options, I settled on taking the 2 tram, which goes from Piazza Bausan by my house down to the center and continues on. It seemed like a better idea than taking two buses! The rain was still pretty light at that point. I got off later than I should have, but luckily I wasn't actually lost! The streets were pretty deserted because of the rain! I managed to make it to the bar just a minute or two after the appointed time, and looked in the windows for familiar faces, but I struck out. I was worried that I was in the wrong place but then I saw Maria walking into the restaurant. We were the first to arrive! The guest of honor, Olga, hadn't arrived quite yet. In total we ended up being around 10 total.

This place, Bhangrabar, is a semi-Indian place. The aperitivo had a few mild Indian dishes, plus the usual array of desserts, salads, and cheeses. The food was pretty good, and the cocktails were pretty big. I had one of the "Indian" cocktails, a Colonial Cardamom, it was sweet and mild. We stayed at the restaurant for about two hours, then we headed out to find a pub for drinks. I am really glad no one suggested getting dinner. I don't understand how you can have aperitivo and then dinner, it's just not reasonable! The first place we went was actually full, so we ended up high-tailing it over to Beda House, an English pub kinda near my place (near Maciachini and Zara). We are going to have to go there again, the place is huge, well-themed, not too loud, and the prices were OK. There was a restaurant in the back with fancier sit down food. One room of the bar was decorated as the inside of a castle, with fake stonework, including a giant crack in the floor with a treasure room underneath!

Today it was supposed to be rainy, but it's just overcast. I decided to let myself sleep in a bit, and then work on cleaning house. I've tackled a lot of sweeping and laundry. My place isn't filthy by any means, but it's nice to get it a little cleaner. This way I could even have people over for drinks and cheese some evening. And I don't want it to be filthy when Ross comes to visit!

In walnut pesto news, I ended up roasting a cauliflower, and the walnut pesto did go quite well on that. I'm not sold on it for pasta, but I still have to try it on the gnocchi. I also discovered while looking for various cleaning things that I have an electric kettle! The bad news is, there is enough scaling on the inside that I am terrified, so after attempting unsuccessfully to wash it out, I just hid it back in the cupboard! Today I may attempt polenta...

Saturday, January 28, 2012

More Foods

Thanks to other people, I've discovered a few tasty snack foods. First is Ferrero Fiesta, a lightly orange liqueur soaked snack cake with a chocolate coating. The next is Ferrero Pocket Coffee, a dark chocolate filled with a strong coffee syrup with a little bit of ground coffee and sugar.

Here's another cute paper bag from shopping, this one is Milan specific, what with the Duomo and all.


Today it's a rainy day, and I should be doing work, but I don't wanna!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Another Earthquake! + The Difference 5

Another earthquake in Milan today! I was just hanging out in my office, trying to work...

Outside my building, when kids drop stuff people put it on the garden walls or bollards in the parking lot. This really cute froggy turned up a few days ago. She's on top of another lost thing, a red hat. I thought to myself that if no kid took her in a few days I would, since it was so sad that she was there, but luckily the owner noticed!


So, changing topics: doorknobs. They are weird. My building is technically condos, so I think people maintain their own units. The doors are on the whole very similar, but there are a few different kinds of doorknobs, none of them the conventional round kind. Here's pictures of the two most popular ones in my building.


This first triangular one is probably the most common. I kind of get it, the shape makes it easier to get a grip on. And this second one is the kind I have on my door.


Level styles are quite popular too. I really haven't seen a plain round doorknob here in Italy!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Yesterday an Earthquake, Tomorrow a Strike

Yesterday there was a small earthquake in Italy! (About magnitude 5.) I was getting ready to leave the house, sitting at the table, when it came on. It lasted a good 30 seconds or so. I've had a lot of earthquakes lately, what with the one on the East Coast last year! The one here in Italy was pretty mild, though, the initial news reports said that there were no deaths and little property damage.

Tomorrow there's a transit strike, which doesn't really affect me, since I walk to work, but I am sure it will be awful for a lot of my co-workers. We were debating whether or not they will let you off of the congestion traffic charge for Area C. They recently implemented a new scheme for the charges. I'm impressed that they do the tariffs entirely using cameras. You don't have to enroll. And, you can just pay on line. Seriously, you just go online with your license plate number, it shows how much you owe, and you pay. That's it. (This is amazingly easy for anything Italian!)

And now some pictures from around the Duomo, smack in the middle of Area C... One street right off the square had these retractable pillars. They're triggered electronically using some sort of tag inside the car. It can't be many, I think since it's a little dead end area. I mean, completely passable by foot, but only about 100 feet for a car.


The Chocolat gelateria is on this street, past the "dead end" zone. It's one of the most famous gelaterias in Milan. Its specialty is of course chocolate flavors, but also chocolate lined cones. It's a big place, this is one of the window displays.

Chocolate Fountain

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I thought I'd share some of the foods I've been having this week. I bought a bunch of clementines from the local fancy fruit seller. They give them to you in a paper bag that's printed with the grocer's label, I should really take a picture of that.


Citrus fruit here are really good, and really cheap.

I haven't been drinking as much wine as I should. My latest purchase was this bottle of vino frizzante, sparkling red wine. Carbonated red wines are not as bubbly as sparkling whites. This one is fruity but not too sweet.

Vino Frizzante

The grocery store by my house, Penny Market, is open on Sundays now! Siamo aperti tutte le domeniche! It's great. Only for four hours, but I will take it. And it's not too popular yet.

Sunday Haul

The weirdest thing I bought is walnut pesto. I need to think about what I am going to have it with. I can't imagine it with my usual vegetables...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

More Neighborhood Details

More random cool details from around my neighborhood! This is graffiti on a home-wares store. All the stores have grates or solid roll down doors, and pretty much all the solid roll down doors are graffiti covered. Again, I find a lot of this graffiti weird, scary, and inexplicable.

Evil Face

This is much cooler... on a pair of double doors at street level, there were these flanking dragon sculptures.

Dragon Door

I am not sure of the material, here, I thought it was bronze on initial glance, and I am not sure the exact function of the dragons. They are about two feet high. Maybe at some point you were supposed to tie your dog to them? I don't know. But they look awesome!

Monday, January 23, 2012


About a week and a half ago, a police officer was killed right by the train station here in Bovisa. He was run over by a pair of criminals in a car. It's a little scary to think about. Last week there was a memorial near the train station. They held a march in the evening, commemorating the officer and protesting the violence.

In Memory

There were a lot of bouquets and notes to the officer, Nicolo Savarino.


I thought it was a nice tribute.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Piazza Bausan and my new favorite thing

Piazza Bausan is the plaza near my house. Stores are concentrated in the piazza, including the place I bought my purse, the really good fruitsellers, a magazine stand, La Scelta, an entrance to Penny's, and at least three bank branches. The piazza is a roundabout, with a park and fountain in the middle. I have never seen anyone in the park area, it's a pretty sad park. The number 2 tram ends in the square. It takes a while but this tram goes all the way down to the center. It seems that at night, there are always two trams waiting in the circle to take their turn.

Tram 2

Last night I visited the news stand, to buy Vogue... they didn't have the current issue, but they did have something even more awesome... Vogue Gioiello, also known as Vogue Jewelry! Yes, a magazine almost entirely filled with pictures of jewelry. And, it has English versions of the text in the back. Check out the website. This is my new favorite thing!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Gio Pomodoro at Polimi

So there are a bunch of sculptures by Gio Pomodoro at Polimi, we have several in my building. His work fits the sensibility of the school rather well. His pieces are structural, but not without humanizing features.

Sculpture by Gio Pomodoro

All the ones I have seen in my building have been carved stone, like this one, with some soft and natural curves, some raw edges, some hard lines.

Dark Column

This one is called Leda e i Dioscuri, after the Greek myth. The dark columns, I think, represent Castor and Pollux. I will take some more pictures of the rest of the Pomodoro sculptures in the building at some point, this is just the one I see the most! I may even go on a hunt to the other buildings, there are a bunch in the Gestionale building too.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Building Decor + The Difference 4

So on the other side of the offices, the decor in the cases is manufacturing products, and cool old lab gear. There are these two bonus cases of lab gear at the end of the hall!


These strobes are some of my favorites. I have to try to get a better picture of them, the lighting didn't quite work out right. You can see my reflection...


I figure I should mention something different that drives me crazy here. Paper napkins. Here, they are very thin, and almost waxy or plasticky. The paper towels are similar, but less waxy. These things do not pick up liquids. And they don't hand out big handfuls of them when you buy food. I managed to snag some fancy ones from a meeting which I am storing in my office for future use, since the ones you get if you buy lunch are awful!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dinner in an Italian Home

Tuesday night I had dinner with my landlord and his family. They live in the apartment tower next to mine. His wife is Spanish, from Madrid area, and they have two sons, one nearing the end of high school, the other just starting at Bocconi University in economics. Everyone in the family speaks English pretty well, and they are really nice and quite cosmopolitan.

We had some sparkling wine, and chips for appetizers. (Italians love potato chips! They show up at aperitivo spreads at places you'd think were too fancy for that.) My landlord's wife made a delicious dinner. We started with a white lasagne with zucchini, and then had a salad course with a mixed greens and carrot salad, bread and five kinds of cheese. Dessert was clementines and tiramisu. All delicious. Followed up by decaf espresso.

We talked about the different cities in the US. The oldest son spent some time in Naples, Florida, and the family has vacationed in New York. They want to send the youngest son somewhere on exchange and are trying to pick out a place. We talked about places to visit in Italy, and tips on places to eat and buy groceries in Milan.

I think I stayed later than I should have, but I really was having a good time! I need to work on my Italian so I can do some talking in Italian with them next time!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Little Alcatraz

Today some photos from Alcatraz. The club is the largest (or one of the largest) in Milan. It was definitely a huge space. This picture is taken from about halfway up toward the stage.

Main Stage

In the main area they played modern dance pop, pretty typical club fare. They had a small second room off to the side that played some older dance pop, 80's and 90's, mixed in with the standard dance type tracks.

Hands Up

The majority of the clients were younger than us. I don't remember seeing another large group of "adults", and I saw a lot of kids who were under 20. The drinking age in Italy is 16, and I think that's the limiting age for admittance in the club. Anyway, our party was very international. Lithuanian, Ethiopian, Spanish, Iranian, Greek, and American. (The Italian friends opted to stay home...)

Happy Campers

I had a good time, but it was quite cold when we got out of there! It's really cooling down here.

PS I tried the chocolate Hedonist cookies, not as good as the lemon ones!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

More Graffiti and Snow

More of the creepy graffiti art outside the Penny Market. This is in the car tunnel to the parking lot. The old lady, she is creepy!


But this weird monster is creepier.


This is definitely intentional art, but how did they decide to go this creepy with it? There's lot's of street-style art associated with stores, but usually it is spray-paint murals that represent the business inside. I should take more pictures of those things to show y'all.

In other news, it snowed this morning! It took me a few minutes of being outside to figure out that was what was going on. I got down about a block, and a largish piece of light colored dirt hit me in the face. Turned out it was a snowflake. I can't honestly call the weather condition "snowing", there were so few coming down that I had to strain to find them!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Quick Post of my Day

On my way to school today I noticed this awesome hinge on a window. I don't know its age, but things look old pretty fast here due to the weather and pollution.


Workers were out putting up new posters by the station. They renew pretty rapidly, there are new posters every few weeks. A lot of these are for theater and art shows, as well as circuses, TV programs, boxing, and concerts. Basically all kinds of entertainment. This guy is putting up circus posters, for a show I might try to check out. Gotta see if cheap tickets appear, I know they exist for a lot of spectacles, but I am not in the know enough to figure it out. Another photo on my flickr shows more Botticelli posters, I might go to that show.


Oh, and these are those Hedonist cookies I was mentioning. Un attimo is like a brief moment. I bought some more of these, and some of the chocolate variety, since they are on sale at Penny! The random cookies and the like change all the time there, so I am getting them while the getting is good.


I am a little bummed today since my computers are continuing to act up. I think my attempts to read my SD card caused some data loss on the card. Luckily I only lost a day of photos, but I formatted the card, and have resigned myself to always using the camera USB cable from now on, since the camera always connects with both of my laptops. I am starting to worry that I will need a new laptop or desktop soon. I am cheap; I don't want to get one. If I have to spend that amount of money on electronics, I would rather shell out for a DSLR. Perhaps it's worth it for me to get a new battery for my old MacBook, even if it is coming up on 5 years. It needs other routine-type updating, though (memory, HD capacity...). Blerg!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Busy Weekend

I had a busy weekend, pictures are forthcoming tomorrow due to some computer trouble. That was my bad luck on Friday the 13th... One of my laptops played peek-a-boo with its battery. Now the other one is having trouble reading my camera SD card. Hence the no photos.

Anyway, I headed out with some of my Italian class friends (even though I got booted from Italian class, I still met some friends-of-friends there) on Friday, first to meet at another student's house, for lovely appetizers (home baked pizza and focaccia) and wine, and then we all headed out as a group to Alcatraz nightclub. I will throw up some pictures soon. Alcatraz is one of the largest nightclubs in Milan, and they have a special deal for students, which I was able to get in on by being with students and being foreign. I think I got bonus points for being from California.

Saturday I worked in lab, and got trapped in the building. They close up at night, locking all the doors. The guard usually comes around before that though, and lets you know you have to leave. He didn't come around, so I just left on my own around 7. No one has ever officially stated the closing time, and it is a little different every night, so I have no idea if I was late or if he closed early. I ended up having to climb over a fence to leave the building... It was a little scary. I calmed myself by getting more groceries and then making dinner. They had some cookies on special, I think I will go back tomorrow on my way to school and get more, they were good. The type, or the brand, or something, is called "Hedonist", which is a little over the top for a cookie. But they are good!

Today I slept in. Still catching up from flights, time zones, now nightclubbing, and being a little stressed. I bummed around the house and then headed out to the Duomo for mass. It's far less crowded now after the holidays. Also, perhaps, because the Cardinal was not giving the mass today... Too bad. I will have to check the schedule for future stuff. I was going to go to one of the La Rinascente bars, but it is just a little too cold tonight. The thermometers say -1 C. It's not so cold, but things here can get frosted because the air is so damp. Already when I was getting home around 8pm, some of the parked cars had frosted roofs. Anyway, after checking out the roof and deciding against the cold, I wandered around the store, looking at sale stuff. All of which was still too expensive for my tastes. The fashion here really is great, but I just am not going to buy a $100 t-shirt, even if it is Galliano and cute. I took a good long look at the shoe sale, too. The big find of the evening was finally heading down to the basement, which is the design store and home furnishings area. They don't do beds and sofas, but they do lamps and chairs. It was pretty close to as good as going to the design show at the Triennale. There's a cafe down there too, which I may have to start considering going to since it looks pretty hip and is way warmer than the roof!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


You've seen the lab space and my office already, but there's a lot of other cool stuff in my building. In the corridor to my office, there are a few display cases. Several of them have old mechanical models in them, and I think there are more of these hidden around in other parts of the building.


I love these sorts of demo models... pumps, eccentric gears, etc. Most of these have little cranks to turn so you can see the progress through their cycles.


I also really like the contrast here of the shiny new building and display cases and the old-fashioned models.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Hello Kitty

I see a few cars from time to time with decals and paint jobs and such. I see it more in my neighborhood on older cars. The cars at Polimi are a little newer and nicer, so they're less likely to have "custom work". This Hello Kitty one is regularly in the parking lot by my apartment building, it's pretty cute.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Shoes for Italy

I brought some new shoes back with me to Italy!

Boots and Pumas

Mary bought me these awesome black boots. Boots are the look for women in winter in Italy. Black and flat is typical. Mine are a little more detailed than a typical pair here, but honestly they're more me than a plain pair.

The Pumas I bought back at the end of the summer with the intent of bringing them to Italy, but just didn't have enough room in my suitcase. They aren't quite as comfy as my New Balances, but far more stylish.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Lab...

The last day or two has been pretty crazy, as things always are after the holidays, so I don't have anything unusual to share. I've been walking really fast to get places before they close so I don't have too many street pictures! Hopefully I will add some more soon. The train station has new event posters up, I want to take pictures of the ones I want to check out online, so perhaps I will share those soon.

Here's a picture of my lab space, taken from the second floor. (My office is on the second floor, basically on the upper right in this image.)


There are lots of laser cutters and welders, that's basically what you are seeing in this photo!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Red Eyes

Some people I know like red eyes. These likers believe that you get on the plane, do what ever you have to do to fall asleep (booze, allergy medication, etc.), sleep your way through the whole thing, and then have a fulfilling day at your destination, even if you are a little conked out from the time changes and the plane-sleeping.

I do not like red eyes. I can tolerate them. I can usually sleep a little, if the timing is alright. The ones to Europe give me a little trouble because they often leave early, so you arrive in Europe at 1 or 2 am Eastern time. There's little chance that I am going to fall asleep at 8pm after the plane takes off unless I have been having a death defying day. That said, sleep is possible for me. I figured out my sleep success requirement: have an eye mask to block out the lights. I think I should also get a neck pillow, I hear those rock. However, sleeping really dries out my nose, mouth, and throat. My eyes do not feel refreshed either...

It is unfortunately the nature of the beast that almost all cheap flights from the East Coast to Europe are red eyes, due to the huge time change hassle. On the flip side, all the returns I have take have been day-only flights at humane hours, even including connections. Often it seems to work that I leave around noon, connect somewhere in Europe or possibly New York for an hour and a half, then arrive around 6pm.

Last night was my red eye. When I got in this morning, I decided on having a 4 hour nap before I went to Polimi in the afternoon. Hopefully that will not bite me in the butt and I will be able to get to sleep at a reasonable hour tonight. It does help that it gets dark early and I can have a soothing bath...

Monday, January 9, 2012

Packing for Italy

Yesterday I just bummed around the house, getting all my stuff in my luggage. I actually left most of my clothes in Milan, so it's not too much stuff. A few new clothes, a few new pairs of shoes, and lots and lots of reading material! I didn't realize that when I am living alone I need lots of books and magazines to keep busy enough. I'm just taking stuff I have around the house, there's lots of books here to take, and I have magazines from November and December to read. I caved and bought a transforming converter to use at my house. I only have one plug-in device that needs 220 to 110 conversion.

So far I don't think I have forgotten anything important... But I will find out when I get back, won't I?

Saturday, January 7, 2012


I mentioned that I got a pair of earrings for myself... Here they are... A purchase from the fair at Rho. Designed and made in Italy!


Now I am getting myself together to fly back to Milan... I don't have to find gifts for everyone, but I would like to bring back some food or something to give to my landlord, my bosses, that sort of thing... Something "American" but not awful... I will take a look at Target today when I run my errands!

Friday, January 6, 2012

More Londons

Looking through all my photos while backing them up, I saw a few more London ones that I thought I should include!

This one of Miranda at Harrods is sharper than the one I originally uploaded... (I often pick my uploads from the thumbnails... leading to these problems!)

Harrods Mew

Similarly, I didn't quite realize what was in this picture from the Natural History Museum! If it doesn't make you laugh, you need to click on it and see it full size to get the detail.

Anglerfish After a Meal

Peter sent me a few of his photos that we took at his flat, so I wanted to share a bit.

At the Flat

I love his flat. He has lovely art and books and check out that molding on the fireplace!

Massimo Scarf

One of my purchases in Milan, at the Galleria Vittorio Emanuale II, was a scarf for Ross's mum Mary at the Massimo Dutti store.


Massimo Dutti is a Spanish brand, but it's big in Italy. This silk scarf really called to me, and Mary digs it too!

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Italian gifts... I tried to get Italian stuff for as many people as possible. For my sister I got a Carpisa purse. This is a pretty popular brand of purses, luggage, and accessories.


These olives I got at the fair at Rho, they're from Sicily.


Also from the fair, pistachio pesto. Basically a salted pistachio butter. I got to sample it, and it was amazingly good. Plus the jar is cute!


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Difference 3

Lots of containers are different in Italy. The soda cans are 330 ml cans, a little less than the usual 12 oz American can. The shape is different, it's a narrower, taller can, about the same diameter as the little cocktail-size soda cans. Like a Red Bull can, I guess...

The two liter soda bottles are also taller and narrower. But the funny part is that they have a "neck" that creates this weird ball at the top of the bottle:

Two Litres

Seriously, I don't get it. The Oranciata bottle is a nice brand of soda, there are ridges around the neck to stiffen it, but in a cheaper brand there's less plastic, and I have had the bottles buckle at the neck! The bubble on top fills up a little and collapses the neck. You really shouldn't pour these bottles one-handed. The bottles do look a little more whimsical, I guess, but I wouldn't call them a great design...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

La Mia Borsetta Italiana

My Italian purse... I walk by a purse store on my way to work everyday. It's sort of an outlet store. One day when I walked by, they had this purse in the window:

My New Purse

I ended up plucking it out of the display, finding that the price was very reasonable, and buying it. All leather, "Luana" brand. Purses that have both handles and straps are popular in Italy right now, and I find it pretty practical that way. I wear it cross body sometimes, and when my shoulders get tired I tote it by hand. I have not much worn it one-shouldered, though I will probably try that. It's a medium large tote, big enough to put my small laptop and a water bottle in. There's one downside, which is that it doesn't have a proper bottom with hardware and the like. That's really nice when you are carrying it, since it's more comfy and body conforming, but a pain when you want to put it down somewhere and dig around in it... it doesn't stand up on its own.

Anyway, it's my go-to purse in Italy, since it's relatively roomy, comfortable, and fashionable.

(Side note: Borsa Italiana is what they call the Italian Stock Exchange! Gotta look out for that...)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Felice Anno Nuovo

Hi everybody, today is my first non-family day since Christmas, so I figured I'd better get posting!

I don't have any new photos of Italy to share, as I am still in the U.S., but I figured I would mention some Italian Christmas things...

First off, it seems the gift of choice is gift baskets of food. This one below would be a reasonably large one. (From here)

These baskets usually include wine, even the smallest ones. In fact, one of the popular ones I've seen at my local super market is a half size panettone and a half size bottle of sparkling wine. The holiday ad circulars for the big department stores usually dedicated about a quarter of their space to gift baskets!

Boxed accessories are also popular gifts. Hat and scarf set, belts in holiday boxes, boxed kids' pajama and stuffed toy sets. For all the holiday shopping that's done in Italy, a lot of it appears a little impersonal!