Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Google Voice/Talk

So, I am just getting into the whole calling-with-the-internet thing. I think when I first go to Italy, I am just going to forgo the cell phone thing and use internet calling. I have a Google Voice number. Yesterday I spent some time getting things working on my laptop. At first, I was trying to call a number in Italy through my laptop, and I just wasn't getting it to work. I instead did the thing where they call your phone (in this case my cell phone) and connect you through there. After some fudging around, I figured out that I wasn't getting the call to work through Google chat because I didn't have the plug-in set up. I've got that patched up now, I did a test calling my cell phone from there.

Calling Italy landlines is 2 cents a minute, but to call a cell phone is 15 cents and up. So, this may not be a good option for calling within Italy. But, calling the US is free from that number, so if I have good internet, that's how I will talk to my family. And I can set up Google Voice to be a phone that rings my computer and takes texts and voicemail. At least the rates are lower than Skype!

Anyone have opinions in the Skype/Google voice debate?

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