Sunday, July 29, 2012

Shoe Re-Do

I guess it's been a good week for shoe stuff. The blue-green sandals have panned out so far, and I did this fix-up of a pair of shoes my friend Esther gave me. She bought them at a street market stall quite cheaply, but they stretched to not fit her in about an hour I think. And then they stretched more when I tried to walk around in them. The issue is that the lace at the back slips off your heels, and you are mashing it down while the shoes are trying to slip off your feet. My solution: Tie little elastic bits through the lace at the heel and around my ankles. So far so good. The elastics aren't tight enough to bother me at all, but they do enough to keep the heel up.


The cream color of the lace is cute, and so far I have managed to keep them clean! I think the gold works well enough...

Just a quick mention of my dinner last week with my landlord Roberto at District 39. It's an all you can eat pizza place where they bring the pizzas by your table, it's actually a good idea since you can take your time eating but not worry about your pizza getting cold and stiff. My favorite piece I tried was probably the pear one. Apples and Gorgonzola is a semi-normal pizza option here, but this pear pizza had a milder cheese and maybe even a tiny bit of brown sugar...

We went to Mi Sciolgo for gelato after. I've been once before, I took Gerri and Linda when they were here. It's really one of the best places out there! I have got to start getting cups instead of cones, though, the name of the gelateria is quite accurate (it means "I melt").

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