In the nearby park (with a huge monument to Martin Luther), Franzi demoed the weird playground equipment that seems to be all over Germany. There's these weird street toys, in many shapes, the skateboard type seen here, or ones with circular platforms, ones with tall poles in the middle of the platforms. They're spring mounted, and you're supposed to stand on them and wiggle them. For whatever reason, they're in lots of plaza and park areas, not in playgrounds. I didn't have the guts to try these ones!

We visited the Jewish Cemetery just outside the old city walls, considered to be the oldest in Europe.

The Dom of Worms is pretty cool! Lots of stained glass, some modern, some ancient. Most of the other parts of the religious complex were destroyed in various wars (up to and including WWII, but most of the damage was done in the 1800's) so the cathedral houses lots of architectural elements rescued from the area.

We took some time to pose with the sculptures outside the cathedral, too!

Then we headed down to the Rhine to have lunch and enjoy the atmosphere. Here's a sculpture of Hagan throwing the Nibelung gold into the river, as the legend goes.

We sat down and had lunch. (There's no such thing as a light lunch in Germany, as far as I can tell...) Esther had a flammkuchen, which is a sort of crispy, sauce-free German pizza, and I had kasespaetzle... Yum!